Poised at the Edge of a Blade

by Pasadena Adjacent

Bruce Nauman 2009

Chris Cob

The Station Fires latest victim: The Arcadia Woodlands. Some of us see these 11 acres as a pristine oak and sycamore forrest. The LA County sees them as the “Santa Anita Reservoir Sediment Removal Project.” Please join other participating bloggers in stopping “the project”  sign the petition here. Poised at the edge of a blade? This. You can further pester LA County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich’s office at 213-974-5555

L.A. Creek Freak . Weeding Wild Suburbia . Pasadena Daily Photo . Chance of Rain . Bipediality . The Sky is Big in Pasadena . Altadena Hiker . LA Eco Village Gardener’s . Ballona Blog . Breathing Treatment . Slow Water Movement . Pasadena Real Estate Blog with Brigham Yen . Temple City Daily Photo . Greymatters . Greensward Civitas . Echos