Trash Tuesday #103: Where Getting it Cheap is Part of the Esthetic


Now that I’m a shaman in training, I’m expected to write down my dreams. A way to keep track of my flight between present reality and my luminous field. What I’ve discovered isn’t friendly animal archetypes lending me a hand. No, my dreams are a boiling caldron of anxiety and fears. Soul pain. The morning after waking up from a dream where I had been cornered by a team of begging scam artist’ – I found myself overwhelmed by a feeling of dread. A few hours later I was to discover that my beloved neighbors, Lupe and Lupe plus cat, are leaving. Two and a half years of consideration and quiet.

So we did what any paranoid home owner would do. We got ahold of the landowner to enquire about our new neighbors. And the news isn’t to our liking. A couple (good) with two Doberman Pinchers (bad). Hate me for NOT enjoying the prospect of two dogs lunging at my property line every time we walk out the back door to spend time in our yard (re: sanctuary) – including Twyla’s Tower. I’ve been assured that the dogs are kept indoors – excuse my skepticism, but why else would you rent a tiny house with a large yard? On the positive side, perhaps I should be grateful it’s not a Norwegian ‘death metal’ band moving in. I’ve got three days of anticipated peace, then “more will be revealed.”

In the meantime, if your in need of a barbecue, dresser and what appears to be two lightly used mattresses, come and get um.

