Trash Tuesday #42: Where Getting it Cheap is Part of the Esthetic

by Pasadena Adjacent



I present you, my friends of trash, with an unsolved mystery. Was this Meade telescope a curbside find or the result of a “I can’t make the rent and the laws closing in on me, dump concrete down the toilet, leave everything I own behind and flee into the night (move back in with mom)” artist leaving loft decision? Maybe a garage sale, I don’t know and Mr V doesn’t remember. I do know it’s been sitting alongside the back of the house with it’s custom tripod for at least ten years. I think it works. I’ve never put it together except for today. I’ll try it tonight and let you know.

The night shot was of a film crew working down on Ave 63. Truth be told, I may be able to sleep through the night with the T.V. on and the Reverend Gene Scott ranting, (or Melissa who does not rant but sings poorly) anyhow, that flood light kept me awake. Brighter then a full moon.