Constructed “Construct”

by Pasadena Adjacent

In the Deserts of the West, still today, there are Tattered Ruins of that Map, inhabited by Animals and Beggars; in all the Land there is no other Relic of the Disciplines of Geography.

Jorge Luis Borges

These ruins in Jacumba once housed the Hotel Vaughn’s hot springs; 104 °F and…

across the street are the last remains of a fireplace belonging to the Hotel Vaughn. Destroyed by (pre) fire; 1992-ish


This is post #330 and above is panel #330. In the last frame of the video, a border patrol vehicle is stragically placed on top of the hill. Jacumba loosly translated to mean “hut by the water’s” neighbor is La Rumorosa. It’s other neighbor is the Golden Acorn Casino. On one side it’s “rumored” that the Kumeyaay herd goats. On the northern side, the Campo Kumeyaay herd wind, coin and nuts.


Jeanne-Claude and Christo’s “Running Fence” ran into the sea. This is where George Bush Jr’s “Running Fence” ends. here.